
VoicePad generates phone number-and email-based leads on property inquiries.

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Developed by
Follow up Boss

What makes Voicepad special?

It’s the little things. For example, VoicePad is the only real estate tech company that converts listing data into sentence-based property presentations (in multiple languages).  Automated property overviews are used in VoicePad’s curbside lead-generation service as well as with our provided YouTube and virtual tours.  Then, there are the big things – like having a committed staff with an average tenure of 10+ years.  We love what we do…and we’re very good at it.

How does Voicepad work? What can agents expect?

VoicePad generates phone number-and email-based leads on property inquiries.  Lead notifications are sent via text and email to the agent.  Leads are stored in the VoicePad platform, but can also be easily integrated into most CRMs via our web services platform, HTML meta-tag lead placement, optical lead-email parsing as well as Zapier.

What are the top ways that real estate agents can benefit from using Voicepad?

Curbside Lead generation generally provides the highest quality leads with accurate follow-up phone numbers.  Always has – always will.  Remember, 42% of incoming calls to agents end up in voice mail.  With visual lead notification, VoicePad tells you, the agent, which calls are important.

Unlike previous Curbside Lead-Gen (call-capture) technologies, VoicePad requires no recording and can accept both text and phone inquiries from a single “Info 24-7” rider sign.  VoicePad notifies you in advance of a call, and introduces you to your new buyer while they’re (still) parked in front of your listing.

What one piece of advice would you give to ambitious real estate agents looking to succeed?

Learn to generate your own leads.  Whether it be from your own sphere of influence or the leveraging of other personal assets…become active and participative in the community in which you live.  Agents who give…get it back in the form of personal referrals.  This is not only the recipe for success in the real estate business, but for success in life as well.    

What 18 years in the business has taught me is that if you resort to buying leads, your sales stats may look better; but your profit margins will suffer and you won’t be any happier.  Save your money.  There are no shortcuts to success.

What separates you from competitors in your space? (product, approach, ethos / culture)

  • Reputation
  • Depth of platform
  • Long-term profitability.
  • Knowledgeable Staff

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